Spiritual Retreats
Retreats are moments we take to draw back from our normal world in order to know God deeper and to find Christ within ourselves and in others. At St. Genevieve, each grade level has the opportunity to participate in retreats that focus on growing in faith and unity as children of God.
Middle School Retreats
Middle schoolers take this opportunity to seek God, challenge themselves, and understand God on a more profound level. Spiritual leaders from ‘The Net Ministry’ offer fun activities, discussions and meaningful lessons. As they embrace God’s love, students also create a bond with each other to start the school year strong.
Sports Team Retreats
In keeping with our school philosophy that we are all campus ministers, several of our sports teams have incorporated team retreats as part of their season. They come together at the start of the season to call upon God to be with them as they practice and compete. They use this time to bond as a team, and they often do service projects as part of the retreat experience.