Pastor’s Greeting
It has been my great joy and pleasure to have become a part of the St. Genevieve School Community when I came here last September as the new pastor. It was a challenging moment for me, especially in getting acquainted with the school and parish, which was done more often in a virtual manner because of the pandemic. Everyone has experienced the adverse effects of this global pandemic as it isolated us from one another. We are grateful though, to technology as it allowed us to remain connected virtually. The relaunching of our school website aims to continue giving us this link as we continue to open avenues of communication and information.
We are glad that we have come back as we started to meet and encounter one another in person. The events that took place during the past months, like, the recognition, moving up and graduation ceremonies, the celebration of the mass for our students who received their first Holy Communion and Confirmation were moments of joy for all of us, students, parents and school administrators, teachers and staff.
We will start a new school year with greater hope and enthusiasm as we leave behind the pandemic. Education can conquer our fears and disposition of uncertainty as it provides us a vision of hope, peace, change and transformation. As Valiants we can overcome whatever barriers that come our way.
Pope Francis in his message for the relaunching of the Global Compact on Education which was sponsored by the Congregation for Catholic Education, highlights the role of education as one that becomes a creator of fraternity, peace and justice. He prays and hopes that we may be sustained by the conviction that education bears within itself a seed of hope: the hope of peace and justice; the hope of beauty and goodness; the hope of social harmony. We must move forward, all of us together, always looking ahead to the building of a civilization of harmony and unity.
St. Genevieve School remains committed in its vision and mission of molding and forming our students into what God wants them to be in this world. We should all be motivated by a great sense of hope in our mission to accompany our students in their journey through life. And let us remember that the Lord will always be with us in our journey. He has been with us during these trying and extraordinary times. He will certainly continue to guide and protect us as we move on with faith in our hearts. I am keeping all of you, students, parents, teachers, staff and administrators in my prayers.
God bless you all!
Fr. Joy Lawrence L. Santos