Saint Genevieve Parish Schools strive for excellence in the classroom, on the fields and courts, and view athletic competition as an integral part of education. Through character development, we create an atmosphere that fosters fair play, good sportsmanship, Christian values, and positive reinforcement. In addition, Saint Genevieve encourages all athletes, parents and spectators to pursue victory with honor by living the six pillars of character. Our ultimate goal is to develop the whole person.
7th & 8th Grade Seasonal Sports
Fall Sports
- Boys Flag Football
- Girls Volleyball
- Spirit Squad (non-competitive)
Winter Sports
- Boys & Girls Basketball
- Spirit Squad (non-competitive)
Spring Sports
- Boys Volleyball
- Spring Soccer Tournament — Each year Saint Genevieve enters a co-ed team of 6th-8th grade students to participate in local tournaments.

Year Round Activities
Spirit Squad
Cheerleading is offered year round. The Spirit Squad performs for school events and athletic activities. Spirit Squad is open to grade levels Kindergarten through 8th grade. The squads are divided into elementary and middle school teams.

Dance is offered year round. The dance team performs for school events and athletic activities.

Performances consist of baton twirling, dance movement and gymnastics routines.