Afterschool Program
These afterschool activities are seasonal and rotate throughout the school year. At the beginning of each season, parents will receive a flyer and interest form to complete. Each individual afterschool program will be assessed an additional fee to help off-set the program costs.
Parents will be required to provide transportation for their students to and from practices and games; they may also be required to assist in fundraising. Practice time and days will be at the coach/teacher’s discretion. Students should report to daycare until their coach/teacher arrives for practice time. All school rules apply to the afterschool programs with students demonstrating good academic standings to participate.
Choices Galore
Our afterschool program provides students opportunities to experience and explore interests in a safe environment. Students have a multitude of structured sports activities, music/band groups, and other enrichment activities to extend their learning beyond the traditional classroom. (Visit our Clubs & Activities page and our Athletics page for more information.) Additionally, afterschool care includes time for academic homework support to reinforce lessons and skills.

Activities and Athletics
Valiant Athletics afterschool programs include: flag football, volleyball, basketball and soccer.
St. Genevieve is also proud to offer additional afterschool clubs and activities including, but not limited to: Academic Decathlon, Spirit Squad, Dance, Chess Club, Tae Kwon Do and Theater Productions. Students in grades 5-8 can participate in advanced band programs (Drumline and Jazz Band).
To download a PDF of current offerings, click here.