Dan Horn

President & Principal
(818) 894-6417

About Me

Because we value our St. Genevieve community, our hiring process is thorough and rigorous. Candidates have typically a series of several interviews with school leadership, other teachers, athletic coaches and often with the students themselves. Once you’ve been hired at St. Genevieve, there is a feeling of accomplishment. We want to hire candidates who are qualified in their field, and people willing to go above and beyond in their duties, but we also strive to hire individuals who are likable human beings! It’s our pleasure to introduce our Valiant Staff to you.

Aguirre, Jorge

(818) 894-6417

Allen, Amanda

Executive Director
(818) 894-6417 X130

Alpert, Carrie

Kinder - 3rd
(818) 892-3802

Alvarez, Maria

9th & 10th Gr. Academic Counselor
(818) 894-6417 X116

Alvarez, Rebecca

Support Staff
(818) 892-3802

Archey, Marlon

Parish Athletic Director
(818) 894-6417 X128

Avendano, Pete

Visual & Performing Arts
(818) 894-6417

Averion, Gina

Kinder - 3rd
(818) 892-3802

Banham, Jennifer

Visual & Performing Arts
(818) 892-3802

Bellue-Salazar, Geraldine

(818) 894-6417

Bencomo, Gabriel

Director Academic Counseling
(818) 894-6417 X123

Bethel, Sommer

Business Manager
(818) 894-6417 X111