Adventure in Leadership
Advent: noun,
– arrival that has been awaited for (especially of something momentous)
Knowing that most of our students have waited a long time for their high school years to begin, and that many parents experience numerous emotions in getting their sons and daughters prepared for high school, we are ready for you.
No one can predict what the world will look like 10 days from now, 10 months from now, and definitely not 10 years from now. However, the one thing that most people can agree on is that good leaders are a critical component to our success as a nation and as a church. That certainly will always remain true. Tomorrow’s leaders will not only be adaptable to change, they will be change agents.

Leadership Academy
At St. Genevieve we have made a commitment to our future by providing an academy approach to inspiring our students to become leaders. We believe it is through motivation, modeling, teaching, training and providing hands-on, out-of-the classroom experiences that best puts our students on the path of leadership.
Because of our small student body, we are able to provide a large number of leadership opportunities for our students. Students can choose to be class officers, club officers, team captains and Kairos leaders. Additionally, our students are sometimes invited to speak to other school communities on the topic of Character Counts!
Our students have spoken to faculties, PTOs and, more recently, have begun to conduct peer training at some of our local elementary schools. Additionally, all students participate in Making You Think, a monthly talk show for our middle school and high school students. The show provokes students thinking on current-issues-of-the-day as well as provides opportunities to hear opposing opinions and to clarify their own values. All students participate in discussions in their family homerooms and some students are selected to lead the school-wide conversation.

Learning Happens Everywhere
Change is more than a concept at our school, it is a part of the learning. Recognizing that learning does not just take place during certain hours of the day or certain days of the week, students at St. Genevieve are, at times, exposed to evening classes or weekend classes.
Our guest speaker’s series is designed to promote parent participation. When hosting a guest speaker, we typically begin the school day in the early afternoon. Instead of the traditional lunch break, we break for dinner. This way, parents can join us in the evening for the guest presentation. Our goal is for our students and their parents to drive home together discussing what “we learned at school today.” It’s a different way of thinking.
It is our intention that after four years with us, St. Genevieve students will experience their own personal advent. We want them to discover the greatness within and to realize their potential for leadership. We will do everything possible so that on graduation day, we will send forth the people our students have dreamed of becoming… and it will be a momentous occasion!