Clubs & Activities
In addition to the activities listed below, additional extracurricular offerings like cheer, hip hop and marionettes can be found on our athletics page.
Chess (Grades K-6)
Help your young person develop their critical analysis and strategic planning skills by learning the fundamentals of chess. Students of all ages and skill levels will learn how to play in increasingly competitive games against one another as well as other schools. No experience necessary.

Children’s Choir (Grades K-6)
Come learn singing basics and be a part of the fun! Students who join this afterschool activity will learn how to sing in a group and sing in rounds as they learn both contemporary and religious songs. Signups take place in August and January. Each season ends with a choir show for families and friends to enjoy. No experience necessary.

Taekwondo (Grades K-6)
Learn the basics of this form of Martial Arts. Students can choose to participate one or two days a week on campus and learn the fundamentals of the discipline associated with TKD. Led by long-time instructors, this program helps all students, regardless of experience, feel engaged and successful through positive character development.

Musical Presentations (Grades 2-6)
Presentations happen in the fall and spring, open to all in grades 2-6. Tryouts are required.

Drumline JV (Grades 3-6)
The St. Genevieve Elementary School JV Drumline is a fun and educational afterschool musical activity open to third through sixth grade students. Students will learn techniques and songs on a variety of different percussion instruments, and perform at school events. No previous experience is required.

Altar Serving (Grades 4-6)
Students have the opportunity to live out their faith by altar serving at the morning weekday Mass. Students must register and attend training, offered through the parish, to serve during school Masses and on weekends. Altar serving gives students an intimate understanding of the rituals and reasons behind our faith.

Robotics (Grades 4-6)
Have you ever seen a robot sumo wrestle? Well, you will when you join our afterschool robotics program! Here students learn the basics of programming Lego robots in a fun and supportive environment. Taught by a Lego certified instructor, this program is capped at 24 students and requires a weekly 2-hour commitment, one day a week after school. In the spring, students compete at CSUN against other schools in the San Fernando Valley.

Decathlon (Grade 6)
For those ready for challenges, the decathlon experience is right for you! You don’t have to be the smartest in the class to join; you simply need a desire to learn, work hard and have fun. Students study a themed topic (such as Space or Social Justice, e.g.) for months prior to competing against all other schools in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles in a nail-biting but exhilarating day of competition.

Jazz Band (Grade 6)
Jazz band is open to advanced instrumentalist by audition only in grade 6. Students in this group are expected to perform at the highest caliber of instrumental performance before reaching high school. Students learn skills in jazz improvisation, composition, sight-reading, and jazz performance. Students are held with a higher accountability and leadership role as they are expected to lead sectionals, practice frequently, and play with a variety of styles and musical expression.
Jazz Band performs at various school concerts, community events, and more throughout the year.