The middle school curriculum is designed to help students gain a broader understanding of themselves and the world in a supportive, collaborative and challenging environment.
7th Grade
In seventh grade, the complex relations of trade signify the transfer of cultures and values while studying religion and carefully selected novels relating to compassion and justice help students ground their moral compass in the teachings of the Church. This is complimented by the belief that science and religion can co-exist as students begin to understand the complexity of the world around them as God made it. The essential skills of math are enhanced though the application of analytical, independent thinking.

8th Grade
Eighth graders, now on the verge of high school, are encouraged to become independent thinkers and problem-solvers. Verbal and written communication are emphasized as students learn how to express themselves in writing with proper grammar and enhanced vocabulary. Oral presentations help students demonstrate their extensive knowledge in both church history as well as the history of our nation. Science and math augment the curriculum with hands-on experiments and problems that require students to think outside the box and critically view the world around them with fresh eyes.

Middle School Required Subjects
Language Arts
7th Grade Language Arts
Seventh grade students use the skills learned in sixth grade English, Vocabulary/Spelling and Literature classes to embrace and extend their knowledge of the world and of themselves and to challenge themselves to see their role in the broader world. Goals for writing include: mastering grammar basics, deepening the complexity of their writing, mastering a five-paragraph essay and moving onto longer, more complex pieces of writing. For Literature, students will read novels, read and write short stories, explore other genres such as poetry and drama, as well as increase their vocabulary by focusing on high-frequency vocabulary that will ready them for eighth grade and high school. Vocabulary/Spelling is based around determining unfamiliar word meanings through context clues and Greek and Latin prefixes, suffixes and root words.
8th Grade Language Arts
Eighth grade students will continue to be exposed to a wide variety of complex literature, informational texts, writing styles and academic vocabulary. They will read and analyze a variety of works to identify literary elements, provide evidence to show comprehension, and make meaningful connections. Students will write with the mastery of grammar mechanics and the writing process. They will outline and compose essays to persuade, inform, and analyze with text evidence and a basic understanding of MLA format.
Students will increase vocabulary through word analysis, discovering meaning through context, and integrating new words into their writing. They will develop skills to be effective communicators in a group setting and through different modes of presentation. The goal is to provide a wealth of opportunities for students to grow as readers, writers and critical thinkers as they prepare for high school and beyond.
7th Grade Mathematics
This course is based on the Common Core Mathematical Standards and will focus on developing students understanding of:
- Ratios & Proportional Relationships — Analyze proportional relationships and use them to solve real-world and mathematical problems.
- The Number System — Apply and extend previous understandings of operations with fractions to add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational numbers.
- Expressions & Equations — Use properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions.
- Geometry — Draw, construct, and describe geometrical figures and describe the relationships between them.
- Statistics & Probability — Use random sampling to draw inferences about a population.
8th Grade Mathematics
This course is based on the Common Core Mathematical Standards and will focus on developing students understanding of:
- The Number System – Know that there are numbers that are not rational and approximate them by rational numbers.
- Expressions & Equations – Understand the connections between proportional relationships, lines and linear equations and use that to solve linear and pairs of linear equations
- Functions – Define, evaluate, and compare functions and use functions to model relationships between quantities.
- Geometry – Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving volume of cylinders, cones and spheres. Understand and use the Pythagorean Theorem.
- Statistics & Probability – Investigate patterns of bivariate data.
7th Grade Life Science
The middle school life science course is designed to give students the necessary skills for a smooth transition from elementary life science standards to high school biology standards, while cultivating early exposure to the various career fields related to the life sciences. The purpose of the life science curriculum is to give students an overview of common topics including, but not limited to: diversity of living organisms, structure and function of cells, heredity, ecosystems, biological evolution, and human body systems.
8th Grade Physical Science
The middle school physical science course is designed to give students the necessary skills for a smooth transition from elementary physical science standards to high school physical science standards, while cultivating early exposure to the various career fields related to the physical sciences. The purpose of the physical science curriculum is to give students an overview of common topics including, but not limited to: the nature and interactions of matter, laws of energy, motion and forces, electricity, and modern technology.
Social Studies
Social studies students will engage in rigorous, intellectual work that encourages historical thinking skills, inquiry, depth and relevance. Students develop their understanding of historical and geographical concepts. Throughout the year, an emphasis is placed upon the ability to read, write, research and think using the methodology of the historian. Our social studies textbooks are aligned with the Common Core Standards to ensure all students are college and career ready. Students will be utilizing the online textbook TCI…History Alive!
7th Grade Social Studies
Seventh grade students deepen their understanding of world history and trace the development of various cultures into the modern day. They study the social, cultural and technological changes that occurred in Europe, Africa and Asia. Students examine the growing economic interaction among civilizations as well as the exchange of ideas, beliefs, technologies and commodities. This knowledge ultimately helps students better understand the world today.
8th Grade Social Studies
Eighth grade students explore our nation’s roots, government, its political system and the foundations of American democracy. Students study the branches of government, the Constitution, state and local governments, the American political system, the legal system, and the election process. They study the ideas, issues, and events from the framing of the Constitution up to the Civil War. Students trace the development of American politics, society, culture, and economy and the challenges facing the new nation.
7th Grade Religion
Seventh graders examine Church history by connecting the Sacraments to Scripture. Students develop moral formation by addressing moral issues that face our society today. This is done through a deeper analysis of the Ten Commandments and their implications in our lives.
8th Grade Religion
Eighth grade continues to learn about Church history by focusing primarily on the impact of the Second Vatican Council on our Church today. Students begin their sacramental preparation for Confirmation and revisit Matrimony with a lens appropriate to an adolescent. They deepen their prayer life the through vocal prayer, meditation and contemplative prayer.

Middle School Electives
The range of electives for middle school students exposes them to a breadth of diverse opportunities. Rather than pre-scripted elective programs assigned on the elementary level, middle school students are invited to explore their passions and interests. Offered for 90 minutes a week, electives offer students exposure to skills that will give them a jumpstart for success in high school electives and beyond.
The class will feature hands-on activities that inspire curiosity, creativity and collaboration, while teaching students how to think entrepreneurially. Students will learn the fundamentals of business and what it takes to own and operate their own business. They will discuss valuable skills such as managing credit and budgets as well as creating a resume and participating in interviews. Students will learn to embrace and reimagine failure as a learning process and become more confident and creative problem-solvers.
Students will have a general understanding of music focusing on theory, performance and history of the art throughout human culture. There will be a focus on liturgical music and how it enhances our understanding of our faith. The music curriculum will be taught in conjunction with liturgy of the Catholic Faith. Each student will develop his/her singing voice and participate in school masses and other events.
This course is a beginning coding class that introduces students to the fundamentals of coding. Students will learn basic coding essentials and create optional images based on: debugging, programming, algorithms, sequencing, looping, conditionals, functions, and sprites. Students also get to explore computer science concepts.
Fine Arts
The purpose of this elective course is to provide 7th and 8th grade students with the opportunity to learn, develop and apply key visual art concepts, such as the elements and principles of art. Students will become familiar with drawing tools and techniques, art history, color theory and collage making. They will be encouraged to interpret artistic intention and recognize value in individual artistic style as they build connections to their own experience.
Students will have opportunities to develop their effectiveness as a leader throughout this course. All activities are designed to enhance a student’s communication skills, managerial skills, relationship skills and self-awareness. Students will be instrumental in planning school-related activities and will demonstrate their commitment to being a leader through their school and leadership roles.
Sports Conditioning
Student athletes will develop a sense of responsibility and accountability as they participate in a combination of exercises to build endurance and enhance muscle training to prepare for competitive sports or fitness play. In addition, students will discuss the overall importance of living a healthy lifestyle. Through this class, students will learn important skills such as decision-making, teamwork and sportsmanship.
Intro to Spanish will prepare students to be more comfortable in a Spanish 1 course. It will help students acquire the fundamentals to understand, read, write and speak simple Spanish. Students will learn the alphabet, numbers, time, weather, greetings, salutations and how to have simple conversations with one another. Basic relevant information includes: geography, customs, and culture of Spanish-speaking countries.