Captain Dave Carey
Captain Dave Carey
How did you survive as a POW for five and half years in Vietnam?
Dave Carey, as a P.O.W., during the Vietnam era, his motivational and humorous story of personal survival and experiences shared with other prison comrades serves as a real life example of the irrepressible American spirit and human triumph over adversity.
Dave is a highly acclaimed, aiming to bring encouragement, wisdom, joy, and hope to all with whom he has contact.
A graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, Dave became a carrier-based pilot during the Vietnam War.
After his plane was shot down, he was interned as a Prisoner Of War in Hanoi for five and a half years.
His military honors include the
Legion of Merit
Five Bronze Stars
Two Meritorious Service Medals
The Purple Heart
Eight Air Medals
Navy Commendation Medal
After returning from Vietnam, he held three positions as a commanding officer, including service as Director of the Navy’s Leadership and Management Training program.
He has extensive experience as a trainer in both the public and private sectors.
Dave receives rave reviews wherever he speaks and leaves audiences spellbound.
He energizes people to take positive, creative, and timely actions that lead to improved teamwork; increased productivity, and better communications.
His message is real, immediate and challenging. Dave focuses on practical ideas and techniques that participants can use to get better results on the job and in their personal lives.
Programs are highly individualized, relevant to current issues and “results” oriented. They are carefully designed to motivate, educate, inspire action, and empower individuals to develop real solutions to problems within their personal lives and their organizations.
His 5 point message teaches us to:
Do what you have to do;
Do your best;
Keep your sense of humor,
Choose to grow; and
Keep the faith.
All which gives us the power to turn crisis into opportunity. Dave’s personal story inspires and empowers others to overcome seemingly insurmountable difficulties and gain a renewed sense of purpose, satisfaction, and control over their circumstances.
Books by Dave Carey include:
The Ways We Choose: Lessons For Life From a POW’s Experience
Audio/Video by Dave Carey include:
Meeting Your Challenges