Homecoming Parade and Football Game

fri27octAll DayHomecoming Parade and Football GameHigh School


4:30 – 4:50 Student Arrival at St. Jane Frances in North Hollywood   

13001 Victory Blvd, North Hollywood, CA 91606  

Grades 9-12: Must have a signed permission slip to participate in the parade. Permissions slips will go home Tuesday, October 17.  Students in grades 9-12 should return to their period 7 teacher.   

   5:00 Parade Line Up Begins   

5:30 Parade Leaves and walks down Coldwater Canyon  

6:00 Arrival at Valley College & Pre-Game Activities including snack bar  

6:40 Special Recognition of Seniors (Cheer/Football)  

   7:00 Game Begins   

   9:15/9:30 Dismissal   

It’s hard to predict the exact time the event will end.  However, students without parent’s present should text their parents’ half-way through the 4th quarter.  A general announcement will be made over the PA to remind students.  HS students will be dismissed from the street.  More information (including maps will be provided next week).  



October 27, 2023 All Day