Homecoming Event

thu26octAll DayHomecoming EventElementary School


No Academic Classes on this day.

Report Time: 4:45 (ES) Elementary  - Entrance is through the Firelane Gate 

K-6 Students must come with one adult (one parent for multiple children is fine)  

7-8 students have a night school schedule which includes academic classes


5:00 Elementary Picnic with Families   

The yard will be divided up into sections.  Bring a blanket and food to enjoy a family picnic in the yard.   Each grade level will have an assigned area. 

5:35 Drop Students Off @ Classrooms for Attendance 

Students in Grades K-8 will be sitting with their classes.  There is a special parent section for you to enjoy the show. 

6:00 (ALL) Dancing with the Valiants 

Just like “Dancing with the Stars” – our version will have representatives from each grade who will dance & be evaluated by our judge’s panel. Scores are compiled and added to the cities total points.  

7:30/7:45 (ES) Dismissal – Elementary   

It’s hard to predict the exact time the event will end.  We will dismiss K-8 students first.  Parents must pick up K-6 students from their classrooms.  MS(Grades 7/8) pick up location will be on Hazeltine. 



October 26, 2023 All Day