Dress Code: Formal Attire
11:50 Pre-Bell
12:00 Announcements
12:05- 1:05 Period 1
1:10 – 2:10 Period 3
2:15 – 3:15 Period 5
3:15 – 3:40 Break
3:45 – 4:45 Period 7
4:45 – 5:40 Dinner
5:40 Students begin reporting to the GYM
4:50 – 5:45 Teacher Meet and Greet (10 Tables) Outside Library area
5:45 Wrap Up/Usher parents to the gym
6:00 Mass in GYM
8:15 – 8:30 Event Concludes – Parents will receive text message regarding dismissal time so please do not come early and park behind the school on Community street. We have about 1000 students than need to get picked up. Wait until you receive the text or text from student that they have been dismissed.