Covid-19 Protocols and Mitigation FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions from the August 31st meeting have been answered below. You may also find the FAQs PDF, slide presentation, and video presentation at the bottom of the page.
1. Is there a way for the students to be Zoomers if they get sick?
Teachers will communicate to students who are out how they will continue to complete school work.
2. Why are students required to wear mask during recess and outdoor activities?
There is no requirement to wear masks outside but we encourage students to wear masks when outside if they are done eating or drinking based on guidance from the LACDPH.
3. Are the filters MERV-13?
The HVAC Filters are the filters recommended by the guidelines from LACDPH. We have a professional HVAC company that services our HVAC system and they follow the guidance on types of filters and when filters are changed.
4. So not all students 12 and older are not vaccinated that are currently in school?
We are encouraging anyone 12 and older to get the Covid-19 Vaccine but we do not require it. For more information on the Covid-19 Vaccine, please refer to this PDF:
5. Will the school consider COVID-19 testing for unvaccinated children?
At this time, LACDPH and CDPH does not require testing so we are not testing onsite except in athletics where we are required to do so. There are many testing options in Los Angeles County. Please visit
6. If the classrooms are cleaned daily, is this at the end of the day?
Cleaning is done by a professional cleaning crew in the evening. Teachers have access to disinfecting wipes in the classroom to clean high touch areas.
7. If there is a positive case with one of the students, what is your course of action? Will parents be notified so we can take proper health precautions for our children and family?
We will consult with the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the LACDPH. If a person who tests positive has been on campus during the infectious period, we will notify parents at the grade level or groups. We will contact trace if it is determined that there may be have been close contacts during the infectious period and notify all close contacts if it is necessary to quarantine. This is all done in consultation with the Archdiocese and the LACDPH.
8. How often are restrooms cleaned?
Restrooms are cleaned daily by a professional cleaning company and spot cleaned as needed.
9. Will the school notify parents if there are positive cases on campus?
From question #7:
We will consult with the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the LACDPH. If a person who tests positive has been on campus during the infectious period, we will notify parents at the grade level or groups. We will contact trace if it is determined that there may be have been close contacts during the infectious period and notify all close contacts if it is necessary to quarantine. This is all done in consultation with the Archdiocese and the LACDPH.
10. Can you repeat what isolation means if fully vaccinated?
Isolation is only for those who test positive with Covid-19. If someone test positive-whether vaccinated or unvaccinated-that person will have to follow the isolation requirements from LACDPH.
11. Will the weekly test be administered in school?
We are not conducting testing at the school except for certain sports teams that are required to test based on guidance from LACDPH.
12. Can you share the slides to us?
The Zoom presentation from August 31st will be available for view on our website and YouTube. For the PDF downloads, please scroll to the bottom of the page.
13. Does volleyball fall under indoor or outdoor? My daughter is 11 years old, does she need to get weekly testing? Will the testing be provided on site?
We will notify all parents of students who are in a sport that requires testing. Testing will be provided on site.
14. If child is 11 and someone in class tests positive, and assuming all students have been in close contact, does it mean all students must quarantine?
Close contacts are defined as those who are within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more. A whole class would not need to quarantine unless it is determined all students in the class were close contacts.
15. Any updates on travel restrictions for fully vaccinated students? Do they still have to quarantine? even if they test?
LA County is following the CDC Travel Advisory. Please visit
16. As a spectator what is the protocol? Are parents allowed to be on campus to watch their child’s game?
Yes. Parents will be allowed to come to games. The protocols for fans will be explained to parents who come to watch a game on campus. A reminder parents are not permitted to watch try outs or practices.
17. Will remote learning be available to students who are required to quarantine after exposure?
Teachers will work with students to continue learning if they have to quarantine.
18. If there is a confirmed case how will close contacts be determined and how will they be notified?
Close contacts are defined as those who are within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more in a 24 hour period of a person with a confirmed case of Covid-19 and that the close contact was during the infectious period. We consult and work with the Archdiocese and Los Angeles County Department of Public Health to determine close contacts.
19. What is the protocol for traveling?
LA County is following the CDC Travel Advisory. Please visit: